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  • Scaini, A., Manzoni, S. (2021). Are catchment-scale nitrogen and phosphorous use efficiencies controlled by climate? vPico, European Geophysical Union general assembly, Vienna (Austria).

  • Scaini, A., Zamora, D., Jaramillo, F., Livsey, J., Manzoni, S. (2019). Agricultural productivity through the lens of hydrologic function. Oral communication. European Geophysical Union general assembly, Vienna (Austria).

  • Livsey, J., Kätterer, T., Vico, G., Lyon, S.W, Lindborg, R., Scaini, A., and Manzoni, S. (2019). Water efficient rice production - Short-term benefits at the expense of long-term fertility? Oral communication. European Geophysical Union general assembly, Vienna (Austria).

  • Manzoni, S., Maneas, G., Scaini, A., Berg, H., Destouni, G., Lyon, S.W. (2019). Closing the hydrologic balance of the Gialova Lagoon, Greece. Poster. European Geophysical Union general assembly, Vienna (Austria).

  • Scaini, A., Beven, K., Fenicia, F., Hissler, J.F., Pfister, L. (2015). Searching for the Dominant Subsurface Flowpath at the Hillslope Scale. Oral communication. American Geophysical Union general assembly, San Francisco (USA).

  • Scaini, A. (2015). Feeding Our Hunger For Answers: When We Look For Details, We Always See Differences. Pop-up Hydrology session. Oral communication. American Geophysical Union general assembly, San Francisco (USA).

  • Scaini, A., Beven, K., Fenicia, F., Hissler, C., Iffly, J.F., Pfister, L. (2015). Estimating subsurface processes at the hillslope scale using an artificial sprinkling experiment. Oral communication. “Zona no saturada 2015” conference, Alcalá de Henares (Spain).

  • Scaini, A., Beven, K., Fenicia, F., Hissler, C. (2015). A multi-tracer experimental approach to estimate infiltration processes at the hillslope scale. Poster. European Geophysical Union general assembly, Vienna (Austria).

  • Scaini, A., Fenicia, F., Iffly, J.F., Gourdol, L., Hissler, C., Beven, K. (2014). Experimental assessment of a schist hillslope in Luxemburg with a view to modelling. Poster. AGU Chapmann conference, Luxemburg (Luxemburg).

  • Scaini, A., Fenicia, F., Beven, K. (2014). Experimental assessment of a schist hillslope in Luxemburg with a view to modelling. Poster. European Geophysical Union general assembly, Vienna (Austria).

  • Sánchez, N., Scaini, A., Martínez-Fernández. J. (2012). Testing the SMOS-derived vegetation optical thickness over rainfed cereals. Oral communication. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Munich (Germany).

  • Sánchez, N., Piles, M., Scaini, A., Martínez-Fernández, J., Camps, A., Vall-llossera, M. (2012). Spatial patterns of SMOS downscaled soil moisture maps over the REMEDHUS network (Spain). Oral communication. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Munich (Germany).

  • Sánchez, N., Piles, M., Scaini, A., Martínez-Fernández, J., Vall-llosera, M., Camps, A. (2012). Relación entre la humedad superficial de suelo y otros factores espaciales a través de mapas de humedad SMOS desagregados con productos MODIS. Oral communication. XV Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica, Madrid (Spain).

  • Martínez Fernández, J., Sánchez, N., Scaini, A., Rodríguez-Ruiz, M (2011). Runoff dynamics under different land uses: analysis of three Mediterranean catchments in the Duero basin (Spain). Poster, Congress HyMex Menorca (Spain).

  • Sánchez, N.; Martínez Fernández, J.; Piles, M.; Scaini, A.; Camps, A.; Vall-llossera, M. (2011). First year of SMOS over Spain: strategies of validating, mapping and downscaling soil moisture. Poster, SMOS Science Workshop ESA/ESRIN 2011, Arles (France).

  • González, M.Á., Scaini, A., Goñi, M., Valdenebro, J. V.,López, J. J. (2011). Análisis del modelo HEC-HMS para la simulación de las avenidas del río Arga en Pamplona. Oral communication, Congress II Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua – Modelos numéricos en dinámica fluvial (C. Agua y ciudad), Barcelona (Spain).


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